March 31st 2016
Well the last 2 months have been almost an ordeal too far but we are still tracking well despite my mental, physical, and nervous systems being pushed far too far past all semblance of sensibility or sanity as far as how much a koala can bear. There is several exciting bits of news so I'll drop them in with bullet points like I have seeming to be doing for the last few updates.
# The long winded latest freehand graphite lunacy is finished. In the end it took all of 683 hours to pull off successfully but is now in frame and slipping into the recent past instead of smashing my brain, heart, and soul into little bits on a minute by minute basis. It's turned out great but I have to say I'm over drawing that kind of composition for awhile now. I always knew a Shovelhead Harley with rider in full sunlight and full side view would be the 'perfect storm' as far as complexity and maddeningly fine detail and super subtle proportional perspective and it didn't disappoint. It's a drawing I have been planning on tackling for many years and I can only say I am over the moon that I am now past it and into the cool gentle mental and psychological breezes of what comes after (no matter what that is it couldn't possibly be as brain breaking as what I have just put myself through).
It's working title was "Potato Potato Potato Accentuate Alternate Syllables" (long haired bikies will be laughing, everyone else will just frown in confusion) which is a bit mad and a reflection of the alternate reality my mind has been residing in during this last SUMMER FROM HELL on the drawing board. It's actual title now is "When We Were Free". Much better and a direct reflection of how I feel now I am free of it's universe of literally nerve wracking minute details and light effects.
# Since I signed off on the bike drawing I have already started and finished two new full sheet pastels, also planned for a long time but waiting their turn in the wings behind the Shovelhead madness. I was in such a rate of desperate full flightedness by the end of the full throttle run to finish the graphite I flew from pencils to pastels without taking a breath and am very happy with the result. The two new works are of a pair of Red-Tailed Black Cockatoos called "Red Tailed Romeo" and a pair or Pink Galahs called "What a Galah". I'd actually just keep on smashing hours and days into the pastel studio now except for the fact that a LOT of other non graphite of pastel related tasks that need smashing into submission are overwhelming me like a cloud of angry sandflies, such as............
# This website, which is LONG OVERDUE for a big fat tweaking, almost a complete rebuild really but I don't want to scare myself too badly with terminology. As a computer expert I make a good pencil artist but as with all other aspects of Sea of Pain I will hammer it till it is done or dead. This update is the first flush but there will be some BIG updates and changes to most other sections once the digital dust has settled.
# Jones Playing Cards The first fours decks (12000 in total) of JPC's are in full production and all but ready to hit the floor hot from the presses/collators and diecutters/wrappers etc at any tick of the clock. They might be finished and ready to rock and roll by the time I have written this, it could already have happened. It's probably already happened. That's the stage we're at, the production confirmation email could drop into the inbox any old time now. Once that has happened there will be a mixed gross box (144 decks, 36 of each deck version) raced onto a big airplane which will fly them here. The rest will come on a big boat and hit Brisvegas round early May. I'll take the battered studio ute and trailer down and bring them home from there like I did with the Whiteknuckles 6 years ago. 6000 decks will be a bigger load by far than the WK's which were big enough but came here over 3 editions in numerous chunks over the course of 2010. This one will be a very satisfying roadtrip on many levels, more than happy to do it in the dead of night at a very steady pace with an ice coffee or two and a good pillow for my back, it's been a 10 year trip to get what's about to happen to actually happen, that last long drive home in a busted-arse ute with a big heavy load will be puuuuure pleasure.
The reason there will be only 6000 decks on Oz is because the other 6000 will be staying behind in Taiwan as Lawrence Sullivan, the boss of Legends Playing Card Company in Hong Kong, has offered to have Jones Playing Cards represented and available for sale on his own LPPC website, so all orders from the rest of the world outside Australia will be facilitated from there, with all Australian orders handled by Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions, with hyperlinks between both websites to avoid any and all confusion. This means a huge postage saving for customers overseas and potentially opens up the "R.O.W." including Asia to our cards in a very real way. As they say the breaks come to those already pushing hard on the door. We are already cutting promising tracks of wholesale enquiry (Well, Sharyn the manager is anyway) into USA, UK, Asia, and hopefully NZ and Europa as well, she has really been just lining ducks up so far, once decks and JPC display/freight boxes are available she can drop the reins and start the business of distribution in earnest. This website update is one of the biggest peices of the puzzle which she has easily convinced me now (this morning) transcends importance over sharp pencils and blunt chunks of colour.
# Drawing with Brett A. Jones- issue 4 All is in motion for the next issue of Drawing with Brett A. Jones. More than half the reason the date for the 3rd Solo Exhibition was set for late 2016 (4th November) was so there would be all four issues of DWBJ done and available for the exhibition. I say all four as it was always going to be nothing short of a miracle if I made it to the fouth issue, if for no other reason than I would just run out of art. My kind of art (the graphite anyway, which will always be the hub, the fulcrum, and the pinnacle) of my creative madness takes inexorably huge chunks and entrails of time and brainspace to get back off the tundra with so back in 2011 when this all came up I always knew it would be all but impossible to pull off. Woodlands Publishing offered me my own drawing magazine in any format I wanted, it was my idea to do 100 page annuals for four years. Even then it struck me as all but impossible but I just had to try and smash it though once it had started spinning in my mind so here we are. On track for the fourth and what will be the last for awhile. There's always more to say and more to show when it comes to drawing but there will have to be a rebuilding period in 2017 first after the lunacy of the last 3-4 years.
# Brett A. Jones 3rd Solo Exhibition We are very close to knowing the complete list of works for the first time which is very exciting indeed. The plan has (and was always going to) for various unforseen reasons, contracted and expanded exponentially since inception back in 2010 (pretty much as soon as the Brett A. Jones 2nd Solo exhibition had closed) but the main four mediums in the original vision for the 3rd Solo have all made it to the final list (fine art originals, motorcycle art, playing card design, and the four DWBJ issues) as well as some recent (but not that surprising) additions such as projected images, a poetry section, specific lighting, and a temporary Sea of Pain workspace which will be an exhibit unto itself and included in the list of works as such. Plus other stuff and no doubt stuff I haven't even had the first itchy inkling of yet. Time is of the essence now but except for the final graphite which I have already started the originals, motorcycle art, poetry, and the playing cards are either done and dusted or tracking on plan like trucks with no brakes.
I've never been in more pain or worse health which according to the doc is the result of nervous and mental exhaustion but it was always going to be thus on a tundra burn of this magnitude. Teetering on the edge of the abyss is and always has been the best place to creatively, just never been here for so long with so little in reserve before. Yee hah.
The Cloud of Butterflies is here on deck at the moment feeding me more than nuts and grapes and clearing the path ahead with her ever increasing experience of being the manager of the Sea of Pain, as well as performing her own miracles as far as taking care of everything (in ever larger amounts) behind the actual drawing, writing, designing, teaching, and general creative scheming.
We continue............